You leave behind your family, friends and sense of stability for a world of new rules and an ever-changing schedule and uncertainty. But if you learn the art of balance, you will not only survive, you will thrive.
The key is to adjust for the things you can’t control. For example, you may not have much say over where you live, but you can balance out the negative – living in a not-so-favorable location – by realizing one or two of your own personal goals while you live there. Your soldier is developing his skills and furthering his career, and you need to do the same. Develop a hobby, hone a craft, go back to school or learn a new skill, start your own business, volunteer, get involved in the kids’ school.
One thing many military spouses say is that they feel like they’ve had to give up their careers to military life. What some fail to consider is that every new post, each challenge you face, and every obstacle you overcome can be gleaned for skills and/or experience you can use to build your resume, which you should always keep updated and on hand.
For example, in addition to the work skills your resume lists, include the skills you have learned along the way as you live the military life, including languages and skills you picked up while volunteering in your kids’ school or on post. Balance out gaps in your resume with actionable verbs that define your abilities to manage military life, including your ability to organize, supervise, coordinate, manage, implement, etc. Don’t forget to add the intangible skills that that future employers may find invaluable. For example, if you adapt to new situations readily, learn new skills quickly, or multi-tasking is your super power, put it on your resume.
Learn the lingo; it’ll make your life so much easier! Know the acronyms, understand insignia and familiarize yourself with rank. I always recommend taking the time to learn the basics of military organizational structure and to acquire a basic grasp of military protocol.
Sure, you’ll hear some wives say, “I’m not in the military, so learning all that doesn’t apply to me.”
Personally, I see that as short-sighted and would advise not falling into that trap. If you move to a new country, you would learn the language and customs if you want to take full advantage of your new environment, right? If your spouse took a job with a large corporation, you would undoubtedly agree that it behooves the chances for a successful career – and your livelihood – to learn all you can about the norms and culture of that company. Well, it’s no different in the military. If you want to be able to talk shop with your peers (and your spouse), you need to know the lingo.
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